Diamond Rally
Creekside Village has the Biggest Little Event happening to date this upcoming weekend! The Diamond Rally is a luxury and supercar fundraising event and has chosen the Make-A-Wish Foundation to support with its efforts in 2021. This spectacle of exotic and electric cars will be stopping at Creekside Village from 1:00 until 3:00pm in the parking lot next to Creekside Market on Saturday, September 11th.
Creekside Village, Gibbons Group, Lions Club and LAG are all working with the Make-A-Wish Foundation to host this event and raise money to support Lydia, a young girl from Whistler who was diagnosed with complex congenital heart disease at a very young age. Lydia is sixteen years old and has already had eight surgeries to repair her heart, but she continues to stay active and seek out her passions in life. One of those passions came from a sparked interest in sustainable agriculture; a way to meet today’s food and textile needs without compromising the ability for future generations to meet their needs.
Lydia sees sustainable agriculture and farming as incredibly important to the future of our health and wellness and her wish is to visit Apricot Lane Farm’s from the documentary, Biggest Little Farm. If you’ve ever had the chance to watch the film, you already know that there is so much to learn about sustainable agriculture practices. The time and hard work this method of farming takes, is much more than the documentary even gets the chance to explain. Lydia was inspired by the farm and would love to get the opportunity to visit it with her sister Stella to learn first hand how to grow organic food sustainably and interact with the animals.
With donations having a revenue shortfall of 30% over the last year for Make-A-Wish, the annual Diamond Rally event has already helped by contributing over $280,000 to the foundation, cumulatively. The host’s of this event would be honored to have you come join in the excitement of a unique car display, donate to the cause and grab a bite from the tasty food trucks on site.
Anyone who wants to donate to help make this wish and other inspiring wishes like Lydia’s come true, you can make a donation on the Diamond Rally fundraising page: https://makeawish.ca/diamondrally or visit the Make-A-Wish Foundation team at their tent in the Creekside upper parking lot on Saturday, September 11th from 1:00 until 3:00pm. Creekside Village is also hosting an online Silent Auction. Check out the generous donations to bid on at https://www.32auctions.com/lydiasfarm.
If you’d like to enter the rally with your qualified car, register here: https://www.diamondrally.com/order/2021-driver-navigator-entry